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How many americans diet each year -

21-12-2016 à 10:13:44
How many americans diet each year
I have lived and worked in Britain, Germany, CZech Republic, the US and Canada. a working holiday or taking unpaid leave. I am a asian american who owns a passport. That should explain somewhat why many people do not travel overseas, many people do not take vacations all the time period and many more must bring their work with them on their vacations. I would not be suprised if those people journey to other parts of the world where they feel more welcome. I have been to the EU as well as Sri Lanka and India, and so can say from experience that no Indian resteraunt, or novel is a substitute for the being immersed in the culture of the country itself. The size of the country and the diversity of the terrain and climates also make international travel less necessary. If USA is near the top then there is a question why so many can afford to visit (but not as many US nationals visit abroad). You should be so proud and Americans should be so ashamed. I think this is a better comparison to Europe since many states are equivelent in size to European countries. The term arose obviously as a means of shortening an unwieldy name, not to disenfranchise from the international arena everyone to the north and south of US borders. The people are in a feeding frenzy over the housing bubble so it blinds them to our situation. Outside of the US they do not know much at all. America has the most people behind bars and on probation in the world. We also have the largest, oldest canyon in the world. Furthermore, in the year 2000-01, 18. I bet they all dream bigger than the rest of us. James Sensenbrenner, R-Wis. Gasoline is more expensive in Germany but many people use diesal cars which can get 50 miles per gallon. S. We have the most expensive univeristy system in the world, leaving some without college training and others with massive debts. So I will be hoping that more Americans apply for passports for no other reason than it will benefit them as individuals, as a nation as a whole and hopefully th rest of the world too. S. Americans do not travel overseas for multiple reasons. I had a total positive experience in all of these countries. I had finally decided to live inexpensively and travel all over Europe this summer, when I realized how expensive it would be with the exchange rates. But Europe is not a fair comparison because short distances and low costs make international travel easy. I find all these statistics on the percentage of Americans owning passports fascinating. Because of my job in the military (US)I have a blue, brown, and black passport. Its also not so cheap for us Europeans to go to places in Asia and Africa but we still go because we value the learning experience. 2 million U. U. My Mother ownes a small busines, she works 16 hour days at times. The following London Times article picks up on the same topic discussed above. 8m passports issued in the last 10 years, and the total UK population is estimated at 59. I am a proud American and I understand that everyone thinks they are better than us because they can drive for an hour and be in France and consider that abroad. They have cheaper airfares on average than Americans flying overseas. That should explain somewhat why many people do not travel overseas, many people do not take vacations all the time period and many more must bring their work with them on their vacations. Basically like traveling from one State to another. I have been looking into this issue because I teach a US Politics class at a British university and am always dismayed at how readily even bright people assume that Americans must be insular because they lack passports, without taking all of the factors mentioned into consideration, especially the shortness of vacations. Of course you can brave the shark infested waters off our northern coast, and could sneak in and end up at a desert detainment centre. And, I have to add, travelling in foreign lands has been a life-changing experience for me. The current US passport population stands at 18% of US adults. Americans can indeed spend a lifetime travelling around their country — but I think the British could as well, if they wanted to. and the U. First, with the comparison of countries in terms of passports I would love to get that data but I would initially be suspicious due to each country possibly having a different methodology of collecting this data. We have the most expensive univeristy system in the world, leaving some without college training and others with massive debts. Oh, and let me just mention that it was in this century - 2003 to be exact - that I heard an average Brit - one whose job involved use of a computer - explain that black people are black because their mothers had intercourse with Satan. I live in Vancouver and the last places I visited were Tokyo, Seoul, Seattle and Hong Kong. M. It is hard to cram a trip to the other side of the planet in such a short time. I have always wanted to see Japan and Austrailia. and Medicare liabilities which would be trillions more. I found a listing in the infoplease almanac indicating that 23 million Americans travelled overseas in 2002, including 18. I back-packed in over 9 countries in South America in 2001 and spent some time in Thailand in 2002, and I hardly ever saw Americans travelling (less in S. As a Brit now living in Vancouver Canada with dual nationality, I see ( and unfortunately hear ) many US visitors here. It is more than a lack of money, vacation time etc. IN reality, No Economic Growth but growth in debts which in the future will come due to the Creditors, like Germany and Japan. In the UK you need a passport to start travelling Europe, whereas within Europe border checks are almost non-existent. S. So you could (and many have), sell their house at a good profit, then move someone where else. S. Not to mention the poor health and environmental standards the U. I am an American who owns a passport and have traveled abroad to many, many countries including the countries I named above, but not China. We have the most expensive univeristy system in the world, leaving some without college training and others with massive debts. The US very out of touch with the rest of the world. U. Almost every english speaking coutnry has signage (street signs and otherwise) that relfects the local population. I knew more European history then many of the people I met in the UK. From this, it could be concluded that Americans are simply not as interested in the rest of world as their peers. In general, attitudes toward taking vacation seem to be very different in Europe. is like another United States except these are countries coming together. We (as most countries with immigration) have Chinese quaters, Spanish quaters, Italian quaters, Indian quaters etc The US is not unique in that. Most if not all of the Americans I meet here are not rich. It gives you breakdowns on many parameters - from Region of Residence, to purpose of trip, to main factor in airline choice. Of the 45, only Japan, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, Taiwan, Canada, United States, Venezuela and Mexico are significant economies. If you are trying to shamelessly deface Americans, than shame on you. Jack makes one of the most insightful points yet: The British in particular are (from my observation) inspired from an early age to look beyond a relatively small island and explore the exotic, the unknown, the colonial. From what I understand it is not looked down upon to take a year off to travel. The countries in the middle of the road in terms of power and influence are probably far more likely to have a high proportion of travellers. The U. S. Mexico and Caribbean offer resorts and cruises that are affordable and quick to get to. We have a massive housing bubble, leaving young workers without the opportunity to buy houses and producing a huge credit bubble. But Ted read that only 7 per cent of Americans own passports and wondered where the figure comes from. Back to the stats on passport holders though, I have yet to find a number from a credible source. New Zealand is one of the most expensive places to travel from as we are so isolated. You may say that it is an excuse that we use money as a reason for not travelling or time. You can see the dramatic rise over the past ten years. General population (18 years and over) 34% 41%. There are some interesting statistics and points made, but frankly I find the whole question absurd and the fact one hears it asked so often is evidence of the petty Anti-Americanism that is so fashionable these days. I found your site when I was trying to find out how many Americans have passports. First, lets be generous and say that every passport was issued to an adult and therefore lasts ten years. Ferguson goes on to suggest that America is now an empire running on empty, backing away from the crucial imperial commitments of time, money and manpower - and resting on perilous financial foundations. economy not including S. The second being that if travelling internationally or just to the corner store and your pack of certainties remains intact over the duration of the journey, it all meant precious little. I just discovered this thread today and looked up some data on the web about American overseas travel (not necessarily Passport related). S. Are they using it to talk bad about Americans. Rather than devoting limited resources and striving to get complex jobs done in a rush, Americans must be willing to integrate themselves into a foreign culture until a full Americanisation has occurred, he writes. We have rivers that rival the best longest in the world. I hope Mr. We have a technical education system, state run which allows accreditation for anyone in any trade through apprenticeships. When you first start a job you may receive a week vacation the first year or maybe none. is this: We have a Gini-index approaching 50 which is by far the highest in the industrialized world. What the heck, their are many American citizens that are even living abroad. The book also has predicted 2020 stats from the World Tourism Organization based on 1998 data. This is actually a field of study that has a lot of empirical reseach being conducted on it. We have the most expensive healthcare in the world leaving 50 million without coverage, over 100 million with partial coverage and millions more with massive debt. and hope this figure is a misleading stat (taking into account other variables). The reason i seem to think that they are not big travellers outside of their country is this. Surely the passport agencies know exactly how many people have valid passports. Workmans Comp Insurance is more expensive here in the U. 23 million is about 8% of the population,while 18. I found 2 apparently reliable sources, one of which claims 7% of the US population has a passport. Just wondering since I heard a Canadian shooting off his mouth tonight saying that only 8% (Which is obviously wrong) of Americans hold passports in a very condescending manner. Americans take great pride in their homeland and rightly so, I have been to about 30 countries on 4 continents and I dont really care to ever leave again, prehaps slip across into Mexico for a little fun. You can experience everything from the arctic to the tropic, multiple cultures, hundreds of languages, and a truly mixed population. People around the world naturally assume a person with white skin. S. These are often big decisions that affect all of us (Iraq being a classic example), which strikes me as dangerous, both to the American People and the rest of the world. After all, there are some resorts in southern Spain which are more like sunny extensions of Britain with a bit of sangre thrown in. I spent some time in the US, when I was a teenager, with an exchange program and I was surprised of how little my school mates knew of world geography. They know no better, since they know nothing but France, France, France and everything they read or hear about the outside world, such as evil Anglo-Saxon neoliberal warmongering hypercapitalism, has been conveniently filtered and pre-packaged for them in warm, familiar leftist colors by their social betters who rule them. The book charts this global phenomenon country by country. 8m. Young Jerry may be a bit aggressive in his posts, but he is also absolutely right. Background: I am a 21 year old male living in Southern California (Orange County). Some people in America are having hard times. I am a Brit who has travelled the world and seen which Nationalities seem to travel the most. Again the length of holidays given is just as irrelevant. The same ID that is required to STAY in Italy (you can have it at 15 if you want, you must have it at 18). S. Also, how many people from poor countries have passports. Ask any American living here about customer service. I wonder if Jake is a hater of his own country, or a foreign snob. Oddly enough alot of people in Brisbane will fly to New Zealand to ski rather than go to the Aussie Alps. We have lakes that are cold and deep and we have lakes that are larger than come European countries. And given your opinions, I think we are all glad you have chosen to no longer travel abroad. If you are in the top 15 to 20 percent of Americans you are doing good, If not your in trouble. But, the most successful anti-Americas, like Michael Moore, are home grown. When you have a family of 3-5, it is often much cheaper to simply drive the family car to a vacation spot in the US or Canada. Then it is 11 hours in the air (SFO-London). 7% of the total population (which was 18. Conversely, you can meet people of infinite wisdom who have sat on the same bar stool for the last 35 years and let human experience come to them. But even in europe, many of my friends and I had to wait weeks if not months for health service. We have a massive housing bubble, leaving young workers without the opportunity to buy houses and producing a huge credit bubble. Another statistic - South America has won more FIFA world cup titles than Europe - so next time think twice before saying Americans do not understand football. Yet, Americans are getting harrassed, put down, and assaulted. Also, the article says that, by comparison, 41% of Canadians over 18 own passports. Boy Thomas, that sounds like a miserable place to live. I like to think I appear reasonably prosperous. I had to explain who the Duke of Edinburgh was and why he would be in a picture with the queen to a group of Scottish friends. economy not including S. Germany is the second wealthiest in the world behind Japan and France I believe is the fourth largest creditor meaning they still have a very strong industrial base and corporations. It is likely, therefore, that 2004 figures will show that approximately 80 per cent of all visits abroad and 65 per cent of all nights spent abroad by UK residents were within the EU 25. This represented 73 per cent of all visits abroad and 55 per cent of all nights spent abroad. Start controlling the runaway inflation in the country and rebuild the economy into a productive unit as it once was before 1982. My findings are just on asking and observing and listening. is like another United States except these are countries coming together. S. In New York Taxes can run over 40 percent of income not counting land taxes. When I did have time off, It went to visit family that are spead out over the US. In view of current perceptions ( right or wrong ) about US foreign policy it might just be a good thing for America in general to stay home anyway and wait until W has moseyed off into the sunset whereupon the US could regain some respect with the REst of the World. I believe that a tiny fraction of native born US citizens have passports. IN reality, No Economic Growth but growth in debts which in the future will come due to the Creditors, like Germany and Japan. Im not overly concerned with being American or Australian or whatever. As you see we are a very wasteful country. Government will require Canadians crossing the border to have their passports so Americans also will need Passports to visit Canada. Interesting to see more press coverage of this topic in a UK newspaper that has widre readership (as it is given away free at transport interchanges). or Texas. So face it, people have the money and time, but have no interest, because they are scared. A lot of americans tell people they are canadians so as not to confront anti-american sentiment. An American commentator in the London Times stated that this showed how culturally different the two countries were as such a move in the US would likely be met with much protest and probably not pass into law. Economics is the key because that leads to political. I have pasted below what I wrote in return. State Department issued a record 7,300,667 passports in fiscal year 2003, which ended Sept. I like to travel, work, read, hang out with my wife, surf, and train my dog. The total percentage of Americans with passports is actually a pretty poor indicator of how often Americans are travelling abroad. I want to say that most of the comments on here are very relevant and eye opening but I have yet to see cold hard statistics. The vast majority of people in the U. Assuming you use a few vacation days for visiting family members, that only leaves a few days to travel and, considering the expense and the travel time alone, staying in the US seems like an easier option. This (in my view) must influence the decision making process for citizens considering foreign travel. passport to regain entry. Average Age of passport holders is 35 and up. People have also likened travel in Europe to travelling around America- I would seriously challenge this presumption. Also, when you can go to Hawaii for surfing, Colorado for skiing, San Diego for sailing, Montana for hunting, Minnesota for fishing, Maine for hiking, Washington D. I would love to have this statistic to back this thought. It is this kind of insularism that causes much of the racism and abuse of other cultural and religious beliefs in the world. This meant that only about 30 percent of the total eligible voters came out and supported Bush. I have lived a fifith of my life abroad both in Ireland and in UK. And to comment on our elected officials, their job is to protect the interests of the United States, not Europe. I wish there was a way to compare those with passports to those without in terms of their tolerance for other cultures and different ideologies. It is completely naive to say that Americans are not encouraged to care about other countries, that is simply not true. A. I have had a passably good career as a writer—five books, hundreds of articles published, a number of awards and fellowships, and a small (very small) but respectable reputation. So it does seem to be the case that the American People are significantly less well-travelled than others in the world with similar opportunity, and that therefore there may be a case to support their reputation. I suspect this would hold true in just about any country. It is sad to see such nice people with such great potential totally wasted due to a poor education system. They too have problems but they are both still very large creditor nations and whatever the media wants to say it basically means they are both very wealthy countries. If you want to read about my experiences, go to I have been abroad before to Europe about seven years ago and did not see any correlation between the two trips. They generally fall into a couple of categories. But, Mr Bush, your government is now making decisions on behalf of others that the people who elected you know and care very little about. I lived for four years in China and found that the backpackers transiting the country had learnt little or nothing either about the local people or themselves. Unless you actually believe that CNN, any of the big 3, or your local newspaper give a balanced report of the news. Bush discussed details of the planned passport rule with Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin and Mexican President Vicente Fox at their three-way summit in Waco, Texas, on March 23. When we get to encounter someone from another country we want to know everything we can about them and their way of life. The rest form the vast European proletariat and end up in what are virtually educational landfills. The statistic can be found in a single web search. Americans are there the most plus i found them to go Mexico, Costa Rica. We have lost a huge chunk of our manufacturing base, including hightech areas. IN reality, No Economic Growth but growth in debts which in the future will come due to the Creditors, like Germany and Japan. It is sad to see such nice people with such great potential totally wasted due to a poor education system. Under the proposal, U. We have the most expensive healthcare in the world leaving 50 million without coverage, over 100 million with partial coverage and millions more with massive debt. Bush has faced mounting political pressure from Republicans in Congress, led by Rep. A. America is a large country that has the most diverse geography. Look up the Grandfathers economic report and read some of the stats from the World Bank, IMF, Economist magazine,etc. I have done a fair share of travel abroad, but my overwhelming affection of the west seems to keep me close to home, at least relative to the other side of the globe. And as the economy goes so goes Democracy-Usually anyway. Lastly, most importantly, Americans work longer hours and have less time off. Another friend had to wait an entire year to have his operation for his hernia and this was in Finland. By comparison, it says 41% of Canadians over 18 have passports. I know which Americans travel internationally and for the most part let me inform anyone who does not know, most are in the upper income brackets. Hence, when they have time, they often have young children too. Many of them want to get passports just so they can go to another country and get a job. Indeed, the ideas of most have been very helpful and some, quite inspirational. is this: We have a Gini-index approaching 50 which is by far the highest in the industrialized world. We (as most countries with immigration) have Chinese quaters, Spanish quaters, Italian quaters, Indian quaters etc The US is not unique in that. There are well over 30 nations (Turkey, Bulgaria, Azerbaijan, Slovakia, Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia, Slovenia, Croatia and Malta to name a few) in Europe each with its own peculiarites which without wishing to offend Americans is far more diverse than I think you will find in your nation. I was brought up on tales of Brits exploring the world this has always inspired me. I really had no idea how wide-spread anti-American sentiments run. We have double digit inflation rates and stagnant wages. S. With 70 to 80 trillion dollars in total debt, I do not think so. As a Brit, I have only been able to go abroad twice in my lifetime, mainly due to the cost of holidays and my always finding something better to do with my money when it comes to the crunch. And it seems to me that you are defending Americans for not having passports. In Australia, over 50% are passport holders, and 19% do travel abroad each year. The fact that all of us can read and have internet access puts us in an elite group when compared to the entire world. Last time I checked our allies were referring Iran (part of the axis of evil) to the UN security council. The US, of which the whole population of Australia could fit(with room to grow) in one of your major cities, donated an amount of money to the tsunami appeal that was only slightly higher than that of the Australian govt. If you think the shows are terrible heres an idea, read a book or donate money to support growing a local media service. The E. 97 million in 2001). According to the U. The majority of New Zealanders get 3 weeks holiday per year, Australians and the English get 4 weeks. I hate the long flights, I hate the superiority complex europeans have and there are many many things to see on this side of the world. We are mostly a service economy based on low wages with a dwindling manufacturing and production economy. There is nothing wrong with taking pride in your country. I fly from the UK to France or even on the boat and I need to show my passport - unbelievable. Does anyone have any stats on how many African Americans own passports. Bad news travels faster and better than good news. Given that there may be some foundation behind the reputation the American People have for being insular, then they could be forgiven for feeling that theirs is the best, that everyone else would do well to adopt. I chose a theme that centred on the topic of this thread and have read every post with great interest. It is no surprise that we (North) Americans are discouraged from travelling due to the ignorant behaviour they experience from other travellers. I will bring some valid points to the table since you want some. and Medicare liabilities which would be trillions more. BTW I think the only reason us Brits have so many passports is it is the only way we can get off this god foresaken Island. Total International Travelers to and from the U. Now i know America is a beautiful country and it has alot to offer on many scales. This seems to show that the size of a country does have an impact on travel. I find the very low figure hard to believe—I know maybe only one or two people who have never left America. I have experianced from many Americans that they know alot about history and geography within the US. The number of Americans that see any relevance to the world outside their borders is rather low percentage wise. The country has loads to offer and the people are great. W. House Insurance is more expensive here, Medical Insurance is more expensive in the U. I am wondering if this accounts for the increase in passports in the recent past. Nevertheless, residents of the USA made 3. I do not think the Mayor of Cleveland should be spending any official time in Ibiza. I came here like others looking for %-age of Americans with passports. I pay twice what a German would pay flying to Germany, verses the German coming to America. For other 50 other countries there are similar statistics as 91,000 people were polled. They had trouble placing countries around the world. Americain in genereal are not welcome to alot of places through out the world. Given the US population is around 280 million, that gives us 21. Besides, just like someone mentioned above, America has every climate and recreational pursuit you can imagine at hand. 7% of the total global population of tertiary students studying outside their home country is from the United States, whereas, in comparison, Europe (EU15), which has a similar population size to the US, contributes nearly 16. That aside, travel from the UK is very easy. You have to remember that in countries around the world not every single person in that respective foreign country dislikes Americans. In Florida I spend 50 Dollars a month for water. I also read that the U. S. In fact, I thought maybe I would put an essay on the Web about it. German Media Companies own 60 percent of U. Update: From the comments, the Economist has a subscriber-only article that states 34% of Americans over the age of 18 own passports, but cite no source for this. Sure I love the US (quite a patriot in fact), but after all my years of transiency, I really feel very much a part of this side of the world too. Perhaps the stories of the frontier in America have led to a similar inspiration for internal exploration. S. While Australia is about the same size as the continental US, most of that is totally uninhabited. The Department of Statistics estimates the current population of NZ at 4,077,244, which using your math above means 78. America is the third most populous country on the planet, and there are a few bad apples on every tree, but the intentions of Americans are good and always have been. I heard the thing about American passport ownership for the first time yesterday (in Sydney, Australia I might add). There is definely ignorance in the US but equally i have encountered it in every country of my journeys. So I think Americans have more problems then to worry about travelling around the world. The approximate population as of 2004 is 295m. We have a massive housing bubble, leaving young workers without the opportunity to buy houses and producing a huge credit bubble. This is a great strength, and it gives us a cohesion that the Euros can only dream of, or envy. But one thing I did notice in the Tsunami Disaster was how low the American death toll was in relation to other countries such as Sweden and Germany. Therefore the full total population of 281 million should be used. Crowe. There are more internal variations within each European country than in the USA. The people are in a feeding frenzy over the housing bubble so it blinds them to our situation. Plus South America has lots of llamas, none of which have passports - but some are found in zoos all over the world - so one cannot conclude that passports are an essential tool in acquiring a cosmopolitan lifestyle. Excellent, well done on finding the statistic Ted. I have always thought that the majority of Americans do not travel to Europe, Asia, Australia, and South America. Travel Safety - This is a general statement, but I felt more safe in these countries than walking on my 20 minute walk to work each day. In fact, Isrealis seemed to take the cake in both S. Sorry for ruining your statistical calculations all those that were estimating the uk passport figures. In turn this strikes fear into normal ordinary American citizens. You can go through the education system and get your degree without the need to study world history or geography. The E. Strange that he would say it to me and my other friend who is also American as we were sitting in a bar in Berlin. The second source claims that the 7% figure is 10 years old, and that it is now 17%. Phil, using his A-Level maths to full effect is pretty close. This apparent reticence continues in the field of education. If it is a myth that US passport ownership is low, how does the 18% figure make this a myth. If you stay at a company, you average 2 weeks. But the book also has a more sinister side. In Belguim, this rises to 70% passport holders. For every dollar of profit in the U. If this continues, in the future America will have the characteristics of a third world country. But the answer to one question was astonishing. Passports, American travelers, etc. In isolation, this dialogue could be put down to the waitress not understanding my British accent. The Government there has the right to punish people without a trial, and is pushing for stringent measures that mean even less freedom of speech. S. helped him better appreciate what it means to be an American and the sacrifices made by so many people to ensure our safety and identity. It is a sign of our times when plumpers are hearder to book in for doctors and paid just as much. A very informative website, and quite shocking really, since all of my family and 98% of my friends are passport holders and have either lived or traveled extensively overseas. We have lost a huge chunk of our manufacturing base, including hightech areas. The people are in a feeding frenzy over the housing bubble so it blinds them to our situation. We have ONE common language, instead of one big insular tower of babel. economy not including S. , World bank, the econommist magazine as well as most importantly the People I speak to on the streets everyday. It takes a lot of money, effort, and planning to get out of the United States, compared to most of Europe. That being said, I also get frustrated by numerous anti-American slurs. I think before many people jump to conclusions, there is something everyone should consider: that is how many people in countries outside the United States own passwords. In response to tom, I have a few comments. From a French report the Dutch travel more then any other Europeans. I dont know if my congressman has ever been to Europe, and I dont really care. Our international airline tickets are more expensive then many countries. It was happening to the soon-to-retire as well as the soon-to-begin. B. is this: We have a Gini-index approaching 50 which is by far the highest in the industrialized world. But I think that the most important thing that can be learnt is that different people from different countries and cultural backgrounds have very different perspectives on the world. and Medicare liabilities which would be trillions more. Ignorance is the number one factor for a lack of interest in obtaining a U. One thing is for sure, his attitude is bad. Perhaps if more Americans travelled abroad you would see that other countries are permitted more leave time from work than yourselves and that is something that perhaps could be challenged and possibly changed in your own country if enough Americans were aware of it. These also happen to be the countries most often visited by Americans. S. Oh and yes, LC sorry but reading your paragraph after i posted. The people are in a feeding frenzy over the housing bubble so it blinds them to our situation. When our son was born nearly four years ago, one of the first things we did was apply for his passport. A large majority of them honestly believe that people want cars, Burger Kings, and Wal-Marts. They do not have Universal Medical Coverage, Cheap University Educations, and they also have a high cost of living besides the two basics I mentioned. First, I tell them that our next significant trip abroad is the 2006 World Cup in Germany. We only produce 50 percent of our own manufacturing needs and 70 percent of our oil comes from other countries. We have a massive housing bubble, leaving young workers without the opportunity to buy houses and producing a huge credit bubble. I sat behind the driver who was trying to impress his girl friend with his knowlege of downtown Manahatten. Growing up in America a majoity of the population is taught that we are the only country that matters and the other countries around the world are not worth visiting. We are not all the same and we, for the most part, embrace that. Do you have any idea how long it took me to save that. The 18% foreign born claim is inaccurate and misleading. We have 45 trillion dollars in debt throughout the U. Average Age of passport holders is 35 and up. If the majority have their backs to the 3 billion increasingly well educated people (more than 10 times the population of the US) forming the Chinese, Indian and South American emerging economies, so many of whom travel for their education, then they will not see the economic Tsunami that is headed in their direction. I have read the first half of the posts, and decided that I could wait no longer to say something. Is there a relationship between gun ownership and passport ownership. S. Europe is also getting fat and will soon be like America and Canada. BTW, What was more annoying was meeting or over-hearing Americans who, in foreign company, spoke insecurely and apologetically about being Americans. Why fly to Greece when you can go to Cancun. However I have done very little travel within Canada itself. I think that there are ignorant people everywhere. I guess they are all to busy in traffic, working to pay for their car, dealing with adverts and watching tv. I really get frustrated at Canadians who call Americans ignorant when three Canadians I know repeatly have referred to Africa as a country. And its true, I had 4 weeks vacation time over there, but I also had 40% less wages and about 20% more expensive living expenses. I just read something in the paper today about people traveling in Europe. and Medicare accounts. S. They are arguably comparable to Americans in terms of their economic means to travel, vacation time and the physical characteristics of their country, yet at 53%, nearly three times the number of Australians have passports than Americans (4). A. I personally vacillate between hope, despair, pride, and shame at regular intervals. Germany has a crime rate much lower than our and 6 times less murders per population a year but you would not know that by the story. Yeah, see, We have stereotypes for you, too. By division, we get an estimate that 24. You can travel to 27 countries at present, more in the future and they all have open borders. I lived in Italy for 3 years and my wife and I travelled all around Europe during the month of August (Italy generally shuts down then) and never had to show a passport once. Like someone pointed out though some of these countries Americans do not need passports. S. Our education standards for many of our students is behind many countries, because evertime we compete directly with international tests we are towards the bottom. , San Diego etc. There are students studying abroad, a huge group, retired people who now have the time to travel, businessmen and just regular tourists on vacation with the family, by far the least. They might have their food spat on or be beheaded. uses 13 percent of GDP to purchases Energy. 5 million times. IN reality, No Economic Growth but growth in debts which in the future will come due to the Creditors, like Germany and Japan. Secondly yes they have a Vat tax of 17% in Germany which is true but the prices of the food for example are no more then here in Florida and certain items are cheaper. When I drive up and down the roads in Tampa, we have many stores and restuarants. , is pretty much the same. Using the same method for the years 1981-90, for example, we get less than 15 per cent ownership, without taking into account five year passports. C. The federal government announced Tuesday that it wants millions of American citizens returning to the United States from Canada and Mexico to be required to present a U. We have the most expensive healthcare in the world leaving 50 million without coverage, over 100 million with partial coverage and millions more with massive debt. economy not including S. That said, I can understand why there is a negative perception of Americans generally and it is in part due to George Bush and the way people received Republican politics. S. Besides the tax is cheaper - for example I pay per month. You also did not mention their extremely high gasoline taxes, which makes their gasoline prices around twice ours. The Euro is higher then the American dollar, We have an 800 billion dollar trade debt, 650 billion dollar Government debt. We have the golden sand and blue ocean that many crave but the god-damned humidity and all of our deadly creatures could kill you before you get into the water. (And comedy and tragedy, just to add a touch of Shakespeare. The economic situation in the U. well educated Europeans, Canadians, Australians, Kiwis and South Africans). The Military is very currupt with the money, no competition so even much of the military money is wasted. My experience anecdotally, is that wherever I have travelled in the world, I always saw plenty of Americans. Perhaps if more Americans start to feel this way, the 20% that have passports will let them expire, the US can close shop (military or otherwise) around the world, and the US can again become isolationist. An 804 billion Current Account Deficit for 2005, An 781 billion Governmental Deficit for the year in 2005. Another statistic - South America has won more FIFA world cup titles than Europe - so next time think twice before saying Americans do not understand football. In my experience those who do listed often become friends. That is not to make a judgement as to who is right and who is wrong, but with that background, there is no wonder that, relatively speaking, Americans are not well travelled. S. IN reality, No Economic Growth but growth in debts which in the future will come due to the Creditors, like Germany and Japan. It was happening all across the country, including places where you might least expect to see such problems. It seems you have to be positive about other countries and negative about your own or vice versa. Yes, I went on vacation and traveled a lot. We have the most expensive univeristy system in the world, leaving some without college training and others with massive debts. Try two trial issues of The Atlantic with our compliments. Europeans, particularly Brits like me, have a colonial history. This figure does not include Canada or Mexico, where a certified birth certificate and a photo id might be enough, although a passport is better (since it can be replaced while abroad, among other things). As such George Bush and the Republicans are seen as arrogant in their rejection of global warming as a theory, and the US is the only major developed nation (other than Australia) that has not signed up to the Kyoto Treaty (although I understand the argument that unless the major polluters of China and India sign up there is little point in taking part). Apparently the Dutch are the biggest European travellers, with 71% of the population having travelled outside the country in the last year. The average American household has the television on more than seven and a half hours a day. S. It is really amazing to me how people of one country seem to focus on what is supposedly different or worse about the people of another country instead of focusing on what traits and similarities they share. I do want to comment about a couple of posts. So why do many Americans lack the interest in obtaining passports. Britain also has a high incarceration rate compared to the rest of Europe. I also think that Americans perhaps dont realise that Europe does consist of more than just Britain, Germany, France and Italy. In Britain I paid double, in Canada where I live in a smaller city, I pay about the same as in Atlanta - which is rather high for the US. You did not mention their VAT tax that they pay on everything they buy. But the main issue, is why are British people so obsessed with this fact. My wife and I have always kept valid passports. Also the news and media spends a high percentage of the time talking about US news not what is going on outside of the country, unless it involves American troops for example. But as of Jan. K. Government now wants Canadian Tourists who stay more than 1 month to seek permission. So I never spoke about my financial travails, not even with my closest friends—that is, until I came to the realization that what was happening to me was also happening to millions of other Americans, and not just the poorest among us, who, by definition, struggle to make ends meet. It is quite sad to see that so few citizens of the most influential country in the world (or at least in this period of history), understands so little about the views and culture of the rest of the world. College Education costs up 12 percent this past year. But i do live in the EU (UK). S. To compare simply the number of people with passports in Europe or America is not really a fair comparison since international travel from the US usually constitutes intercontinental travel - how many people in Europe have travelled outside their own continent. The economic situation in the U. residents visited Canada and 16. So it make sense the highest % holders are New York, San Fran, Miami, L. In any case, it should be confirmed that the statistics actually do refer to only US citizens. Much of the real reason for anti-Americanism of this type — though it will be hotly denied — is nothing more than envy. S travellers abroad are a telling of the lack of understanding and empathy of the perspectives of the rest of the world. Total is roughly 49. Spend your next vacation in Burma or maybe North Korea. If you eat at a great restaurant, will you tell anyone about it. There are only six international airports all of which are on the coast, so anyone living inland has enormous distances to travel. As for the person stating their antecdotal experiences in South America, you have to realize there are MANY variables to consider. I have noticed how, in these two limited examples, European aid workers hugely out numbered American ones. In 1969 Americans travelled more then any other nation, fast forward to the present, we are not near the top. What I think is a valid statistic for concern is the percentage of decision makers in the United States (and elseware for that matter) that do not own passports. 9% to the total (6). S. Seasons are not the same around the world in terms of holidays, school breakes, etc. economy at present, we have 6 new dollars in debt. And when their baby boomers retire, Europe will be a nightmare. According to State data, about 28 percent of the U. We have 45 trillion dollars in debt throughout the U. We have the most expensive univeristy system in the world, leaving some without college training and others with massive debts. I would like to visite my relations in Germany. I believe that owning a passport has its advantages. That number percentage wise seems higher than the States but I guess if I were Canadian, I would want to get the hell out of the freezing cold wasteland myself. In America, at least on the coasts and in big cities, there are plenty of opportunities to experience other cultures. from plumbing to panel beating to electrical. I live in Australia, which ironically is very big, about the size of the contiguous USA, but is way under populated. Americans can catch a cold packed in an overpriced seat on a 747 for 15 hrs to get to the same locales. The sum of passports issued from 1994 to 2004 is 72. The government is guilty of the slaughter of innocent civilans. passports in circulation as of February 2008. We have lost a huge chunk of our manufacturing base, including hightech areas. It is a poor day when the richest counrty in the world cannot be bothered to institute a medi-care system that caters for the masses and allows free health car all citizens and residents and visitors with recipricol rights in their country (Australia-New Zealand). In the modern world, America will not maintain its current status by isolating itself and disrespecting the rest of the world. Travel outside the US is obviously more costly, since a long flight trip is more than likely necssary. I agree with previous posters that the number of vacation days and cost, though they are contributing factors, are not the main reasons for lack of travel and lack of curiosity. This is a unique site, as over the past six months I have been traveling in Northern and Eastern Europe, India (Rajasthan only, its a big country) and Nepal, and finishing up in Thailand, Laos, and Japan. economy at present, we have 6 new dollars in debt. Oh, and because this is a very big place, some of us live very, very far from big cities, big airports, and cheap international airfares. ). and you will get a clearer picture why we do not travel as much. Many are second homes and some are actually moving to Canada to live and work, also some retirees. Either way this number is a lot higher than I thought it would be. I recently went to the Philippines on vacation. and Medicare liabilities which would be trillions more. The past 20 years we have been eroding, economically and politically which are one in the same. I hope some of you find what I have written to be interesting and even useful in your own research. Another explanation for the low incidence of international travel in the US: calculate travel time to an international air port. Why should we be interested in the rest of the world. Perhaps if people from other countries are more tolerant then America passport ownership will increase. citizens would be required to present their passports. I work for a large international aid agency. at the airport or port. The very foundation of an argument that posits one nation or nationality as being this way and another nation or nationality as being that way is flawed in that it overrides the enormous complexity of issues involved and does nothing towards revealing the true dynamics at work. I have also travelled extensively in Europe and have been to the Middle East and South America. USA Travelers Abroad - After 6 months of traveling, I came across 20 americans in these various countries with the exception of US citizens in Germany for World Cup. S. We have mountains that are over 14,000 ft tall, some 50 of them in Colorado alone. You can travel to 27 countries at present, more in the future and they all have open borders. 3 million visits to the UK and spent. I have 5 years higher education in business, I have worked for several large corporations, I have trained for several Technical degrees and I can truthfully tell you that for most American our standard is deteriorating. State Department issued a record 7,300,667 passports in fiscal year 2003, which ended Sept. It reflects directly on our travel patterns when the economy is not producing jobs that give Americans the time and money to travel to other countries. The point I should like to make is that you will likely find a spike in passport applications this year with the re- election of G. But to MOST Americans travel to another country is an unattainable dream. If you were to consider ALL taxes paid by both nations, Germany would still be way higher than ours. America from 1863 to 1971 was a very different and special place where people could come and escape prosecution, political and economic. VAT is 17. Let me begin by saying that there is a fundamental, logical flaw in trying to draw conclusions about a national culture from passport statistics, namely that it ignores local variations which significantly impact usage patterns. Please bring a valid arguement to the table. It was like bashing your little brother or parents to look cool for the popular kids. FOX News was founded by an Australian (now American for tax reasons, but still). I was looking to got to school in the UK, but now I am definitely rethinking that possibility. S. Styles of clothing that are worn here in America by people are also very popular in countries like Japan, Israel, Philippines, Thailand, some parts of South America, Canada, Taiwan, Europe and even China. There are some very simple reasons that are unique to the US that easily explain this statistic. Travel can be accomplished on a shoestring budget, especially to developing countries. Our media does not mention other countries in favorable terms usually, only negative references to foreign countries. Britain has a huge current account deficit(like America) and is losing vast amounts of wealth to outside profiteers. The real reason people cant travel abroad, and therefore do not own passports, is because they cannot afford to. Moving on, another possible reason for lack of US travelers abroad could be that US workers have far less vacation days than other workers around the world, especially Europeans. I am curious about the ethnic breakdown of passport holders. S. 6% of the population are passport holders. for history, and New York for culture, why would you ever go anywhere else. 6m, which using the same method by which Phil arrived at his 20% figure, gives 83. And what occupation do most passport holders have. I forget about how different the rest of the country can be. I have enjoyed great conversations on 6 continents. In this book Niall argues that despite overwhelming military, economic and cultural dominance, the US has had a difficult time imposing its will on other nations, mostly because the country is uncomfortable with imperialism and thus unable to use this power most effectively and decisively. The tough, new proposed travel requirement would be phased in gradually at airports, seaports and land crossings over the next 32 months, if adopted by the administration after public comment. As the other gent from the uk pointed out, there is no general acceptance of trades being important unless it gets you famous. S. Does anyone know what the percentage is for how many Canadians hold passports. Reading the last post from Steve I have to say I agree and disagree somewhat. President Bush famously had not travelled outside the continental US before he became president. The people of Burma are unaware of what is going on in the rest of the world and have a huge poverty and unemployment problem that the government tries to cover up. Quite often it is the rich who produce the least deserving of education who waste and flaunt it whilst not putting their talents to good use. For instance, take the languages used in Italy: in several cases, local languages in Italy are not dialects, but langauges completely different from Italian (see ). I should like to thank Phil for starting this post, and everyone else who has contributed. PS. (I did have a passport but only because I did a big trip through SE Asia from the ROK). The cheap package holiday which we take for granted has no equivalent in the states and most Americans enjoy a miserable holiday allowance until they retire. An interesting question, but a whole different kettle of ballgames and not one I wish to get into here. Suellen, that was a very nice post, I enjoyed reading it. Today the USA has the only global Empire in all but name. The politicians are trying to keep the benefits of the past generations while the country declines industrially. Also, when in Europe you only need to show your passport once when entering at the airport or port. A) Our Gini-index declines from the 50 range where it currently resides. I have worked closely with people from Sudan, Ethiopia, UK, France (great girlfriend:-)), Sierra Leone, Iran and many other countries. The DOS passport statistics page has moved here. None of these people were rude or annoying themselves, it just got old, and I had no stats to answer them other than those factors mentioned by many here (size of N. economy at present, we have 6 new dollars in debt. I am not anti-USA, I lived and worked in New Jersey for 9 months and I loved it, both my wife and I would leave here and go back tomorrow. They have some kids to drag along and only 12 days off. One thing is for sure, his attitude is bad. S. In 2003, UK residents travelled to non-EU Europe over 5. It is more to do with the notion that is portrayed that nothing out of the US is of any importance. Federal Debts of at least 650 billion per year counting the raids on our retirement trust funds which they try to hide. Problem is to many of us FOX news is the news and the rest of the world is filled with dirty evil terrorists or american hating euro-hippies.

When the Government figures inflation they leave Housing, Food, Fuel and many Other items out of the equation basically they only count the cost of many basic consumer items which is maybe 25 percent of the cost of living. We have marsh and swamps and we have high steppes. S passport. It would be interesting to find a way to consider its relation to that other favorite recent statistical concern, the percentage of Americans who believe in creationism rather than in Darwinian evolution. I found the the number of passport holders in the US to be very interesting, but I think it only fair to report that on a trip to Germany, people were amazed when I admitted that I had never visited the Grand Canyon, the Mississippi River, Mt. economy at present, we have 6 new dollars in debt. France and Germany for instance has much lower rates of inprisonment then our countries. It was almost annoying how nearly every chat with a fellow traveler led to this mysteriously low stat of US passport holders. I believe that the media might distort things, and make it seem that all the citizens of foreign countries dislike America. I have been living in the Caribbean for over 12 years. S. You watch BBC and you get a taste of world news. S. I visited London about 5 years ago and it was very expensive. Yes, but not to the point that a trip abroad with eyes and mind open will be any less stunning or informative. Average Age of passport holders is 35 and up. Fairs are cheap, English is spoken everywhere and you rarely need visas thanks to our colonial past. The last time I checked Brtian was increasing its amount of soldiers in Afghan. Germany spends 8 percent of the GDP on Petroleum products, we spend 14 percent. The little things like flu, dentist, vision. I think that any of these people (Americans included) that attack the integrity of all Americans, based on fallable statistics, are just as idiotic as the people they are picking on. Everything I said and If you choose to ignore it is backed by stats from the I. The Kyoto Treaty would have made our economy much more efficient, cleaner, create 8 to 10 million new high paying jobs but our Government did not sign. Visitors from Canada and Mexico, as well as other nations in the Western Hemisphere, also will be required to present their passports to gain admission to the United States under the proposal. You are a great American and it is great to see people like you standing up for Americans like us at this site. By contrast, an American who has planned and saved his whole life for a trip to Spain is probably intending to SEE Spain, not to kill as many brain cells as possible in Ibiza. A lot of the travel done by these countries is done on a long term basis ie. Our press gives the impression that we are the only wealthy country and Europe for example is poor and a very violent place. It is also very ignorant to say that we do not appreciate citizens of other countries. Or stop your whingeing and APPLY to live here. I am a proud American and believe that our nation is neither better or worse than others, just different. Again, a bit off course but the diverse ideas and arguments are certainly entertaining. and hey, I actually like my job. Yes, all US citizens travelling abroad to places requiring passports need passports—including military. I never used the welfare money I could have collected but many of my friends did. just hop somewhere in the EU for vacation. 1993-2003. Subsequent research has turned up some interesting statistics. 5 million is about 6. In bars. I also worked in a bookstore where five staff members saved for months just to have enough money to visit family in the midwest and the prospect of a foreign vacation is just a longterm dream that often remains unfufilled though its not unwanted. I would add that — despite what people flaunting this statistic seem to assume — the mere act of travelling to another country does not necessarily make one any less ignorant, provincial, etc. Unfortunately this outlook is neither realistic nor likely. The numbers are worst amongst the young with 1 in 10 people under 30 disliking Americans in 2002 down to 1 in 5 in 2005. But at the same time, many Americans do want to travel abroad, and many are. She is more than a statistic, more than just an ignorant non passport holder. g. We have 45 trillion dollars in debt throughout the U. How much cultural exposure does America have compared to other developed countries. If less than 20% of all Americans have passports the implication would be if all non natives had a passport less than 2% of native Americans would have a passport. We have a gini-index of 46 and rising, with such a rich poor gap why does it surprise people overseas that we do not travel that much. We are far from perfect but we are a long long way from Burma. We are the most indebted nation on earth and all the people can complain about what I say but the Truth hurts and all the facts back what I say, for the folks who live overseas these are the real reasons why only 18 or 20% Have passports, Economically we are in bad shape and our Freedoms are also on the decline as stated above. Never had to have a passport to travel across Europe. Be nice, unless we sound like Jerry, then you can sock us. Anyway, an earlier poster asked about which countries are the most popular tourist destinations. Europeans can catch ryan-air and hop around the continent for less than 10 euros. That must mean there are 300million currently in the US, when in fact only 20-25% of the US is college educated (recently reported as being higher than Western Europe BTW). Do not fall for the soft hearted illusion that this translates into moral superiority of any variety. I know that is not an important fact for people to know but it just indicates not all Americans are completely oblivious and not all Europeans are well educated about their own let alone other cultures. Mr. 30, including first-time passports and renewals. This is how people in many asian countries perceive americans to be. I was doing research on living in other countries when I came across this site. A logical explanation for this may lie in education and culture. It could be a mild form of racism, or zenophobia. I have a feeling this site is going to get a boost in popularity thanks to Mr. I know what it is like to have to swallow my pride and constantly dun people to pay me so that I can pay others. We like what we have, even if its destroying us. So the other day I explained it to the 1 millionth person, and I thought it should clear up some confusion. it all comes down to the fact that we think, WHY TRAVEL ANYWHERE ELSE. I looked for that November 2003 newspaper article that was mentioned on European travel habits. Well the closest thing I could find was that 1. S. S. To correct a previous poster, Americans are not taught to think they are the only country that matters and that other countries are not worth visiting. She also refuses to believe her when my friend says that people speak English in Trinidad. The reasons are many, one we as Americans have no statutory vacation. I wish I would have invested in property in this town, i would have some money to show for it. Flavia - your right it is the USA that has no idea of football. I wonder how many people make the most of this opportunity. See. Anecdotally, it seems that Americans are taught to look inwards and to celebrate their own country and its history. I have a friend who owned a house in Clearwater, Florida and she was from Germany. To suggest that going to Chinatown in a US state gives an accurate representation of China is ridiculous, to suggest that there are many more areas of interest in America than Australia is equally naive. book and publishing industry and media all together is 70 percent foreign owned including many of our movie studios. America is the third largest country in the world. Anyway, flights to Stockholm are only about 400 round trip from Chicago—non stop—8 hours. The U. has the most expensive higher education costs in the world. Jeeze, the Chinese along with the Italians were our first major non Irish and British immigrants. Only recently is it being required more often. One of the highest unemployment rates in the democratic west and the lowest base wage with a large percentage of your population living below the poverty line. They are just not informed from a very young age and this is the way they are brought up. US Issues Leading - We are an obese nation with a necessity for consumerism and pop culture. To struggle financially is a source of shame, a daily humiliation—even a form of social suicide. Thanks. One who would open their minds up and think would realize that the American public or 80% Of the Public is having economic problems. I wonder if it has to do with something I read somewhere, which is that US news shows have 95 percent stories about the US, and only 5 percent rest-of-the-world content. As an expat American in the UK I get confronted with the lowball figures all the time. On my backpacking travels around the globe I have stayed in many hostels, and the topic always seems to come up in discussions, but it is brought up by all nationalities. Many of the arguments made thus far sound like excuses rather than legitimate reasons. Seriously, having lived in both countries, I find that the ratio of smart people to stupid people, sophisticated people to unsophisticated people, etc. We have lost a huge chunk of our manufacturing base, including hightech areas. S. Sure, legislation passed in the United States may effect Europeans, unfortunately Europeans are not part of their constituency and therefore they dont care about you. Had someone asked me to guess, I would have estimated it to be 10% or less. According to the Canadian government, U. That should explain somewhat why many people do not travel overseas, many people do not take vacations all the time period and many more must bring their work with them on their vacations. To us and the Brits it is you who spell incorrectly, your phoenetic spelling is alien to us but we ignore it and get on. As has previously been stated by a number of people, both European and US citizens, the US is made up of 50 states each easily the size of a European country. Riccardo is no accountant, as he mentions the top tax rate for Americans while not mentioning that these rates kick in about 100,000 higher than the to